WP Video Robot Video Station Player JW Player

The WPVR Video Station automatically replaces all your imported videos players on your frontend, with a unified, customized and branded player.

How it works

Once the add-on installed and activated, you just have to configure it through its options panel.
You can use our default JW Player API key or create your own. Then you can choose among 9 player themes, to suit your website design and colors. Video Station also allows you to brand the player with your own custom logo.

WP Video Robot Station branded player


  1. Better aesthetics
    Even if you have imported thousands of videos from different video services, your visitors will use the same player on all the videos.
  2. Full integration with our other premium add-ons
    Video Station fully supports Monetizer, that means you can show up ads above your players in a fancy way.
    It also supports ShareToView and Customizer add-ons
  3. Branding is our watchword
    Use your logo with a custom link on all your VST players in a fancy way without any hassle.
  4. Easy Integration for non  coders
    Not a developer ? Don’t want to edit your theme files? No worries, we got your back! Video Station comes up with a powerful Injection feature. What does this mean? You can choose a part of your front-end page, using CSS selectors (class or id) and dynamically inject the Video Station player right into it. Check out this tutorial for the details.
  5. Compatibility
    WPVR Video Station is compatible with all desktop modern browsers and supports all mobile and tablet browsers. No more hassle to adapt your player to all your visitors.

WP Video Robot Video Station Player JW Player


--- v2.7 --- 16/12/2020 ---
- Corrected responsiveness bug of jwPlayer.
- Added support for latest VideoRobot changes.

--- v2.6 --- 08/07/2020 ---
- Corrected bug of startTime and endTime.
- Added support for latest VideoRobot changes.

--- v2.5 --- 15/09/2018 ---
- Corrected bug of VST_URL.
- Added Enabled VST on single video editing screen.
- Added support for new Vimeo streams URLs.
- Corrected license checking issue.

--- v2.3 --- 30/12/2017 ---
- Implemented new addon backbone.
- Corrected bugs with Monetizer.
- Added filtering by Categories and Post Types.

--- v2.2 --- 15/07/2017 ---
- Revamped the addon logo.
- Added support for SSL sites and corrected Mixed Content error.
- Added Indiana Player theme.
- Cleaned buggy JS code.
- Added hook to automatically replace WPVR player with the VST branded player.

--- v2.1 --- 30/04/2017 ---
- Corrected the JS issue on Vimeo videos.
- Added support for the version 7.10 of jwPlayer.

--- v2.0 --- 10/03/2016 ---
- Added a new player theme : JAD .
- Corrected the autoplay issue when using Monetizer and/or ShareToView.
- Added better integration for VideoPro Theme.

--- v1.9 --- 30/10/2016 ---
- Corrected the get streams bug.

--- v1.8 --- 15/10/2016 ---
- Redesigned all Ajax communications for better security.
- Added support for the new version of jwPlayer (v7.7.1).

--- v1.7 --- 20/08/2016 ---
- Corrected several bugs.
- Adapted to new version of WP Video Robot.
- Added support for new video services.

--- v1.1 --- 05/03/2016 ---
- Added monetizer support.
- Added Facebook support.
- Corrected JS and security bugs.

--- v1.0 --- 20/02/2016 ---
- Initial release.
From $4 /mo


Addons subject to yearly license for support and updates. View license terms.


Need help using this addon ? Read this addon tutorial

Read our extensive doc. about WPVR : WP Video Robot Documentation

Still need help ? Open a support ticket : Get help on Support Forums

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