You could drain even more traffic to your automated video website using Social Media. In fact, that has been an unlimited source of visits and traffic for most websites for the past five years. Ever wanted to lock down the video player until your visitor have shared the video on social media? This is where the premium add-on WPVR ShareToView comes into play!

How it works

WPVR ShareToView will automatically and seamlessly add an overlay mask above all of your imported videos player. Your visitors will have to share them on their social media accounts before being able to watch them. You have several options to customize the sharing message, buttons and overlay.


  • No coding required
  • Seamless integration
  • Supports all video services
  • Fully responsive overlay
  • 4 Different Icon themes available
  • 8 Social Networks supported
  • You can define your own share message
  • You can limit the use of Monetizer by category, video service and post type
  • You can lock the video player for a defined delay
  • You can choose whether to enable or disable the close button
  • Customize the sharing buttons the way you want



--- v1.8 --- 15/09/2018 ---
- Replaced Froogaloop with official Vimeo Player API.
- Added support for WPVR conditional dependencies.

--- v1.7 --- 31/12/2017 ---
- Add video services to apply on.

--- v1.6 --- 30/07/2017 ---
- Implemented new add-on backbone.
- Add StumbleUpon, WhatsApp, Email social networks.
- Add post types to apply on.
- Add new interactions like social network label, share count, share in, round icons.

--- v1.5 --- 20/02/2017 ---
- Corrected the autoplay issue when using Video Station.
- Fixed conflict with Monetizer new version.

--- v1.4 --- 20/02/2017 ---
- Corrected the close button not working bug.
- Adapted to the new WPVR 1.8.9 hooks.
From $14.90


Addons subject to yearly license for support and updates. View license terms.


Need help using this addon ? Read this addon tutorial

Read our extensive doc. about WPVR : WP Video Robot Documentation

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