Product Discontinued
In order to comply with Youtube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion APIS terms of use, we have decided to shut down this add-on.
If you have purchased this product after May 10th, please contact us to get a refund or get it replaced.
What about giving your users the ability to download your all your imported videos?
WPVR Download Videos will automatically add a button on your frontend page to allow your visitors to download your videos as video (mp4) or audio format (mp3). It supports almost all video services.
How it works
Once the addon installed and activated, it works like a frontend filter. You just have to configure the addon through its options panel. There you can define how your Download button should look like, and where it should appear.
Other Features
- Works automatically on thousands of videos
- No need to code anything
- Does not consume your hosting bandwidth
- Added support for WPVR 1.8.5.
--- v1.5 --- 15/04/2016 ---
- Added support for Vimeo videos.
- Added support for Dailymotion videos.
- Added support for Facebook videos.
- Added support for Youku videos.
- Added support for TED videos.
- Corrected a bug with some Apache server configurations.
- Added 'Not Supported' custom error message on options.
- Now you can offer two formats for download : video (best quality found) and mp3 (audio only).
- Support of wpvr_download shortcode even if Customizer is auto removing links.
--- v1.4 --- 05/04/2016 ---
- Added MP3 Download.
- Added Download filenames prefix and suffix.
- Added force include option to include the button even if the video player is not autoembedded.
--- v1.3 --- 25/03/2016 ---
- Corrected some minor bugs.
- Added Button options and styling.
- Added wpvr_dv_get_download_link function.
--- v1.0 --- 10/10/2015 ---
- Initial Release.